What’s in the program?

This stream is designed to provide you the opportunity to continue to grow and develop your skills & knowledge in regenerative agriculture further, maintain and build connections, and comprehensively monitor, record & share your progress.
This stream also aims to ‘grow’ your opportunity to ‘pay it forward’ as a future mentor / influencer of other farmers looking to transition to regenerative practices.
Skip to Eligibility Requirements & Application
Master Classes & Peer Group Sessions

The Master Classes cover topics introduced and explored in previous RAPP programs, however they are designed to provide you with the opportunity to expand your knowledge & skills further via discussion, Q & A, cause & effect analysis, and in field observation with our expert presenters.
The three program Master Classes include:
- A 1 day practical session on making & using foliar nitrogen, and planting treatments for multispecies seeding with Joel Williams & Mark Tupman
- A ‘Review Your Growing Season Grazing Plan, & Grazing Management Q & A’ Zoom with Dr Judi Earl
- A 1/2 day practical session on data collection and monitoring for your pastures & soil with David Hardwick.
The Peer Group Sessions provide an opportunity for you to share in context, information about your goals, practices & challenges. The purpose of the sessions are to share learnings, provide support for each other, measure progress, and promote commitment & accountability for your own enterprise goals achievement in relation to the program. The Peer Groups sessions will be facilitated by the program coach, Mark Tupman, on site at selected alumni properties.
The five Peer Group Sessions will focus on:
- Peer Group Session 1: Planning for multispecies seeding in autumn.
- Peer Group Session 2: Foliar nutrition to support establisment of multispecies pastures.
- Peer Group Session 3: Grazing ‘on the ground’ 1.
- Peer Group Session 4: Grazing ‘on the ground’ 2.
- Peer Group Session 5: Review your diverse pastures.
One on One Enterprise Coaching
You will have access to 4 hours/enterprise of our program coach Mark Tupman’s time. Mark’s role for this component is to provide you & your enterprise support and guidance outside of the peer group sessions, on any matters related to the regenerative practices you are implementing or would like to implement as part of this program.
Measuring & Monitoring Progress

Measuring & monitoring what is happening above & below ground is critically important to understand changes that are happening on your land – this information is also vital to making informed decisions. A simple and easy method to capture, record, & report will ensure that the measuring and monitoring actually get done.
This opportunity will be provided to you via the Soil Mentor App & Regen Platform – a mobile & web dashboard for recording & benchmarking key soil health & biodiversity data. The platform has been designed by Vidacyle in collaboration with Nicole Masters and has been customised for the Lower Blackwood LCDC.
Your enterprise will have a initial 12 month membership to the platform with an option to continue your subscription at the end of the 12 months.
Community of Practice

Talkin’ After Hours is the Lower Blackwood LCDC’s online community & information hub – created to give our farming community the opportunity to have conversations, and to share knowledge, skills & practices in a no stress, no judgement, easy access space – any time & anywhere.
As a project participant you will receive automatic membership to the full community and within it membership of a closed RAPP discussion group.
Within the community you will have access to all the LCDC’s exclusive content, webinars & podcasts, plus be able to join the variety of special interest groups, forums & discussions to help you build your knowledge, skills, & networks with other land managers working to improve the resilience of their land and enterprises to climate extremes.
Additional content that will be added to Talkin’ After Hours for RAPP 2024 will include recorded materials, presention notes & guides from the following RAPP 2024 workshops, webinars & podcasts.
RAPP 2024 Live Workshops -open to all program participants and the wider community. These workshops are optional and some will be an additional cost to attend
- Optimising Plant Nutrition with Mark Tupman
- Managing Pastures with Foliar Nutrition with Joel Williams
- Make Your Own Johnson Su Bioreactor & Compost with Mark Tupman
- Make Your Own Biological Inputs with Mark Tupman
RAPP 2024 Webinars & Podcasts – open to all program participants and the wider community
- Efficient & Effective Foliar Nutrition with Mark Tupman
- Plant Diversity & Livestock Health with Professor Fred Provenza
RAPP 2024 Additional Online Courses – open to all program participants and the wider community. This course is optional and will be an additional cost to attend.
- Diversity Pastures Online Course with David Hardwick
Stream 2 Timeline
Eligibility Requirements
RAPP 2024 Stream 2 is open to 15 grazing enterprises (2 participants/enterprise) who already have a good grasp of the fundamental principles underpinning regenerative agriculture and are in the process of transitioning to a regenerative approach to farming. Previous RAPP program participants are encouraged to apply. To be accepted into the program you must confirm that:
- Your farm enterprise is within the Augusta Margaret River Shire boundaries.
- You are grazing or intending to graze livestock on your enterprise.
- You, or at least 1 member of your enterprise, agree to actively participate in all Stream 2 program components.
- Agree to become a member of the LCDC’s Talkin’ After Hours Online Community
- Agree to be included as a potential case study (a one-page profile on who you are and why you chose to be part of the program, a summary of your production system & current landscape function, your, aims, challenges & desired outcomes). The case study will be housed on the LCDC website & in program publications.
- Pay the subsidised program participation fee: $800 + GST (actual value of stream participation is $5350 + GST). The participation fee entitles your Farm Enterprise to:
- two places in the program welcome introduction session & final showcase session
- two places in the program Masterclasses (x 3)
- two places in the program Peer Group Sessions (x 5)
- 4 hours/enterprise access to the program regen coach (Mark Tupman)
- 12 month enterprise membership to the Soil Mentor App & Regen Platform.
- membership to Talkin’ After Hours
- priority registration for all additional RAPP ticketed workshops & webinars.
Applications Close Sunday January 14th 2023