Home Our Events - Lower Blackwood LCDC Events What you need to know about Nitrogen


Lower Blackwood Talkin' After Hours
Lower Blackwood Talkin' After Hours
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Lower Blackwood LCDC Events & Online Community


  • Joel Williams
    Joel Williams
    Agroecologist, Integrated Soils

    Joel is an independent plant and soil health educator providing lectures, workshops and consultation on soil management, plant nutrition and integrated approaches of sustainable food production.

    He as a particular interest in designing farming systems that focus on managing soil biology along with crop & soil nutrition to optimise plant immunity and soil function. Joel has extensive practical experience in Australia, UK and Canada (where he’s currently based) integrating soil and plant analyses as a joined-up strategy for managing production. Joel also has a passion for teaching and sharing both scientific and practical knowledge on agroecological growing practices and has lectured to farming audiences internationally.


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19 Oct 2023


8:00 am - 9:30 am

What you need to know about Nitrogen

Nitrogen is essential to all living things, it is a critical component of protein without which nothing can grow. It comes in many forms but it takes energy for plants to covert it from its inorganic forms of nitrate to ammonia, into organic forms of amino acids and proteins that plants can use. In addition to this extra energy requirement, inorganic forms of nitrogen are also subject to loss through volatisation and leaching. It follows then, that the forms of nitrogen that we use in agriculture, and how we apply them, can greatly influence the efficiency & profitability of our grazing enterprises. We can also implement management practices to take advantage of the free nitrogen that’s available through microbial nitrogen fixation.

In this important and topical webinar, agroecologist Joel Williams of Integrated Soils will introduce participants to the fundamentals of how nitrogen works in the nutrient cycle and what steps farmers can take to reduce their reliance on inorganic nitrogen through good nitrogen management for more resilient and profitable grazing systems.


When? Thursday October 19th, 8.00am to 9.30am

Where? You can participate in this webinar from the comfort of your own home!

How? Once you register you’ll receive a confirmation with a link to the  webinar. As this is a LIVE, ONLINE webinar you’ll be able to ask questions during and after the presentation.

After the webinar we’ll send you:

  • Access to the recording of the webinar
  • A PDF of the presentation

Cost? This is a free event

This webinar is supported though funding from Soil Wise. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative. It is supported by Healthy Estuaries WA – a State Government program.

The event is finished.
