Better Hay and Silage Workshop
How good is your hay/silage?
Access to quality preserved fodder empowers farmers to maintain productivity during the summer/autumn feed gap and when late breaks, cold winters and dry seasons affect pasture supply.
This Interactive workshop, facilitated by two specialists, will feature:
- Time of cutting – quality vs. yield
- Crop and pasture differences
- Best practice steps for great hay and silage outcomes
- Storing and feeding-out, avoiding waste
- Interpreting feed tests
- Stock class requirements and effective allocation
- Cost effective decisions
In addition to the workshops participants will also:
- Take home the ‘Successful Silage Manual’ and WA Specific Hay and Silage notes.
- Receive a voucher to get a hay or silage sample analysed.
- Have the opportunity to participate in two follow-up webinars to consolidate knowledge, ask more questions, and get a report on feed analysis for all state participants, with insight on allocation options and livestock performance.
PLUS at the end of the day you will be welcome to join us for a Soil Wise Sundowner and a paddock walk with project coordinator Rob McFerran from Department of Water & Environmental Regulation to review on one of elimination strip trials sites aimed at:
- Testing national critical soil test K and S values for relevance to south-west WA.
- Promoting best practice in sustainable agriculture and increase confidence in farmers and industry in evidence-based fertiliser recommendations.
- Promoting the efficient use of fertiliser products to ensure their potential is maximised on farm and losses to waterways are minimised.
Included in the session will be a demonstration on how to take plant sample for tissue testing.
Event Logistics
When? Thursday 5 October, 9am – 4.30pm (Workshop), 4.30pm – 6.00pm (Sundowner)
Where? Warner Glen (register for directions)
Cost? Western Beef Financial Members: $25 | Non-members: $ 55
Registration includes:
- Lunch, morning, and afternoon tea,
- Two follow-up webinars – Voucher for fodder
- analysis ($67-80)- Successful Silage
- Manual ($75) – WA specific notes
Don’t hesitate to book your ticket, places are VERY limited!
This workshop is delivered by Western Beef in partnership with the Lower Blackwood LCDC and MLA and is supported through funding from the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.
