Ferals in the Frame – A Project Update
The growing menace of feral pigs on the Scott River Coastal Plain (SCP) poses a very real & serious threat to both the biodiversity and cultural values of the SCP. The SCP contains two nationally important wetlands, a threatened ecological community and a number of registered Aboriginal heritage sites. The multi year Feral Pigs in Focus project supports the Lower Blackwood Vertebrate Pest Management Group (LBVPMG) to work collaboratively with landholders, plantation companies, DBCA, DPIRD, Traditional Owners and local government to undertake priority feral pig control work to protect the Scott Coastal Plain (SCP).
Now halfway through our 2nd year and with the 22/23 trapping season drawn to a close, it’s time to give you update on our progress. Hear from our Project Officer Jeff John, and LBVPMG trapper Les Dunnet, on the good, bad and ugly of monitoring and trapping feral pigs, and zooming in will be Dr. Narelle Dybing from the National Feral Pig Program to talk about what’s going on at a national scale. Also in this update hear from Scott River farmer and land holder Erin Hutton on how feral pigs are impacting her family’s farm and what actions they are taking to reduce & mitigate the problem.
Come join us for this important information event, PLUS at the end of the updates we’ll relax & enjoy a drink with some local pulled pork rolls. It will be a great chance to keep talking, network with our presenters & local landholders who have experiences to share.
Health Advice: If you are feeling unwell on the day of the event please do not attend.
Where? Lower Blackwood LCDC Office, 403 Kudardup Road, Kudardup.
When? Thursday August 17th, 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Cost? This is a FREE event
The Feral Pigs in Focus project is delivered by the Lower Blackwood LCDC in partnership with the Lower Blackwood Vertebrate Pest Management Group, and supported through funding from the Shire of Nannup, Peppermint Estate Pty Ltd., and the State Natural Resource Management Program, and is facilitated through a continuing partnership with the Lower Blackwood LCDC the Lower Blackwood Vertebrate Pest Management Group.