RAPP 2023 Showcase Sundowner
This invitation only Showcase Sundowner is a celebration of the past 12 month RAPP journey we have taken – a chance to share the ups, downs & all the learnings with you all .. and there were plenty!
Over drinks and nibbles we’ll also talk ‘turkey’ about RAPP 2024 and hope to encourage you, as a past or present RAPPer, to stick with it and continue to grow your skills, knowledge & experience of regenerative principles & practices with us. Click through for a sneak preview of what RAPP 2024 looks like and bring your questions with you.
Lastly the sundowner is a real opportunity for our program funders to hear first hand the outcomes of their investment, and demonstrate to them the importance of continuing to subsidise this great program into the future. Your support through attending & sharing your experiences will be enormously valuable.
Event Logistics
Where? Glenarty Road, 70 Glenarty Rd, Karridale, Western Australia 6288
When? Thursday December 7th, 3.45pm to 6.00pm
What else? This is an invitation only event.
All Past & Present RAPP’ers are invited
We hope you can make it – we want to see you AND you plus one there!
This event forms part of the Lower Blackwood’s Regenerative Agriculture in Practice Program which is supported through the Shire of Augusta Margaret River’s Environmental Management Fund. This event is also supported by RegenWA and the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation through their Soil Wise Program. Soil Wise is funded by the National Landcare Program Smart Farms Small Grants – an Australian Government initiative. It is supported by Healthy Estuaries WA – a State Government program.
