South West Food Security Plan
Food Security relates to a region’s capacity to produce (or access) sufficient nutritious produce to feed its population. Here in the South West we have a growing population and with a changing climate and growing population it’s time to plan for the future.
There are three key factors that impact food insecurity: a lack of resource (including financial resources and other resources such as transport), lack of access to nutritious food (either at affordable prices or due to geographical isolation) and lack of motivation or knowledge about a nutritious diet.
Perth NRM received funding via a Commonwealth Government grant to develop the WA Food Security Plan – a project to explore the challenges that impact – both positively and negatively – on our sustainable agricultural supply chains in WA.
Perth NRM’s Peter Batt will join us to talk us through their findings and the plan – it will also be a great opportunity for you to give Peter your feedback on the constraints you are currently facing to feed into the plan.
Don’t miss this great opportunity to provide input into our future food security!
Come join us for this important information event, PLUS at the end of the updates we’ll relax & enjoy a drink with and a small bite to eat. It will be a great chance to keep talking, network with our presenters & local landholders who have experiences to share.
Where? Lower Blackwood LCDC Office, 403 Kudardup Road, Kudardup.
When? Thursday May 25th, 4.30pm to 6.30pm
Cost? This is a FREE event
This Talkin’ After Hours event is hosted jointly with the Lower South West Growers Group