Jarrad SherborneSouth West Operations Coordinator/Project Manager, Tranen Revegetation Systems
Jarrad is passionate about the environment since childhood, growing up in Perth Hills. After completing tertiary studies in 2005, he worked as an environmental professional in a range of different roles. He was lucky enough to commence his career under the tutelage of Harry Butler as one of his scholarship students. He have lived in the southwest for 12 years and worked in the Revegetation Industry for 4 years.

Steps to Successfully Revegetate Your Creekline
Replanting the banks of a creekline has many advantages for the health of the stream and the river or estuary it runs into. With proper planning, revegetation can not only protect water quality, but can reduce erosion, improve biodiversity & habitat for native flora & fauna, and provide shade and shelter for stock.
Want to access some or all of those benefits for your property? If your answer is yes then make some time to come to our next Talkin’ After Hours event – Steps to Successfully Revegetate Your Creekline. Presented by Revegetation Practitioner Jarrad Sherborne from Tranen Revegetation Systems, this workshop aims to provide landholders with tips and tricks on how to successfully revegetate their farm waterways. By the end of this workshop participants will understand:
- what the key steps are for a successful revegetation program
- what factors to take into account when selecting a site(s)
- how to make the right species selection for their chosen site(s)
- how to prepare a site for planting success
- the best method for planting their selected species
- what is required to maintain the health of plants while they establish & beyond.
At the end of the presentation we will take a trip out to a local Karridale property revegetation site to see the theory in practice.
When? Thursday April 20th, 8.45am to 1.00pm
Where? Lower Blackwood LCDC Office, 403 Kudardup Road, Kudardup 6288
How? Register on this page
Cost? This is a FREE event
What else? Morning tea is provided but please bring along a refillable water bottle for taking with you to the site visit, wear suitable footwear and dress for the weather. We have organised a bus to take us to the site and back. Places are limited by the bus size so don’t wait to book your place!
This event forms part of the LCDC’s Scott River Action Plan Implementation Strategy Project. This project is supported by funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program.