Reply To: When to start grazing the green?

  • Brett Hazelden

    29/05/2024 at 4:58 pm

    Hey Kate.

    We run out of hay and silage next week, so we will be onto the new pastures 5 weeks post seeding instead of my preferred 6 weeks. We also have a mix of pastures with some already at 2500kg/ha and looking good, but others only at around 1500kg/ha. Our various brassicas, radish, mustards, vetch, clover etc aren’t going to like the early bite but not much you can do given the season.

    We did manage to spray out our JohsonSu mix last week too along with some of our farm made fish hydrolysate, fulvate/humate, Seaweed, trace elements, P, K, Mg. Hopefully that gets the soils firing up with bacteria and fungi, plus gives the plants a boost.

    New lambs are due to start dropping in just over two weeks time. Things are going to be tight till Spring!