Carolyn Gale
Question for the group – for anyone who has spread large quantities of biochar on paddocks/on soil – wondering what method was used for spreading please? Keen to know more on this – the actual logistics of how to spread the stuff! TIA!
Georgina Warden-
Hi Carolyn, there appear to be a range of ways of doing it including feeding livestock with it, mixing it with fertilisers or applying on its own as a top dressing, using it with seed coatings, mixing it with the topsoil when tilling, adding it to compost extracts or other liquid amendments to name a few. We would recommend that you head to…
Hello! Does anyone use or recommend a livestock record keeping app or program? We have a very small flock, but I’m keen to keep records going forward. Something user friendly would be great! TIA
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Hi Carolyn,
LambPlan is a great option if you want to keep a record of a lot of different traits and/or breeding values. You can look into it a bit more here: https://www.sheepgenetics.org.au/lambplan/
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Hi Carolyn,
I used Mobble for a couple of years for my small flock, and found it an affordable and great way to keep records of all sorts of useful data. I am not sure of their prices now, but worth a look.
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Carolyn Gale posted an update a year ago
Hope its ok to share here – if anyone in the RAPP 23 program is interested in learning about bush ecology and bush re gen – Ian Hackett is doing another ‘Bush walk and talk’ at our place this Sunday the 28th at 2pm. We are in Rosa Brook. The walking component is very tame and all up (with afternoon tea included) it’d probably be an hour and a…
No problem Carolyn
Carolyn Gale posted an update a year ago
Is the most recent schedule uploaded here somewhere? I have the one from 8/3/23 – is that the latest and most up to date? Many thanks
You’ll find it in the RAPP group tab called Documents
.. & 08/03 is the latest