
First Name


Last Name




Profile Type


Sub Catchment / Suburb








Agricultural Land Manager


Land Managed Property Size

Small (< 20ha)

Land Managed Primary Usage


Your Primary Crops

Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts, Berries

Primary Livestock You Manage


Your Age

51 to 60

Areas of interest

Biological Inputs, Farm Case Studies, Integrated Pest Management, Multi species Pastures and Cropping, Plant Nutrition and Health, Soil Health, Trees on Farms, Water on Farms, Weeds and Weeds Management

Your Story

In recent years, delving into the regenerative agriculture space has given me confidence that humans can be a force for good on this planet I believe that in partnering with nature we can accelerate the regeneration of the life in the soil that underpins nutrient and water cycling,  embracing and encouraging complexity and biodiversity. There is some pushback in the wider community regarding the term ‘regenerative,’ and I would like to quote Rob Avis from Verge Permaculture who said “Would you like to have a sustainable marriage or a regenerative one?” There is a qualitative difference. I want to see earth’s living systems thrive and improve.

Working in Perth for decades in various retail garden centers where everyone comes in with their problems, I have seen that the reductionist chemical horticulture approach might temporarily remove the symptoms but does nothing to regenerate the vitality and health of the system.  Poor system health is not addressed and is further compromised with the kill everything chemicals, ultimately leading to increased pest and disease pressure. It is a pattern I have witnessed over and over during my 30yrs as a horticultural advisor, and I am now completely disillusioned with the reductionist growing model. 

During the covid lockdown I did a Permaculture Design Certificate, and prior to that I trained with Earthwhile Australia. I am a member of the Soil Restoration Farming community, and have written numerous articles for Carbon8. I love learning and talking with people about soil, human health and the wonder of nature; how we can do things better and how beautiful our true selves really are. I have presented variously on those topics, the most recent being a Food as Medicine workshop in Badgingarra.

The big ambitious project…. I have “been given” a task which I have just begun, to collate and present stories of farmer’s and farming families experiences with chemical poisoning; how it has changed their lives and the way they farm. Many casual conversations over the past 4 years, and my own gut health issues after repeated exposure to glyphosate have led me to this point where I feel compelled to undertake the task. The intention is to write a book, the purpose of which is to explore the terrain of this issue and start conversations,  encouraging others to speak out and make changes for themselves.

I am grateful to be welcomed into this community from afar. When I attended Mark Tupman’s hands-on workshop on Johnson-Su composting, I was struck by the friendliness of the Lower Blackwood community. It was wonderful to see so many people engaging with new ideas. aI look forward to visiting your beautiful country again!

Warm regards

Kathryn Hubble 
