
First Name


Last Name




Profile Type

Industry Rep

Sub Catchment / Suburb

Margaret River







Agricultural Land Manager


Land Managed Property Size

Not applicable

Land Managed Primary Usage

Not applicable

Your Primary Crops

Broadacre Crops, Livestock Pasture / Forages, Cover Crops, Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts, Berries, Wine Grapes

Primary Livestock You Manage

Beef, Dairy, Sheep

Your Age

31 to 40

Areas of interest

Biological Inputs, Carbon Farming, Farm Case Studies, Farm Planning, Integrated Pest Management, Livestock Health and Nutrition, Multi species Pastures and Cropping, Plant Nutrition and Health, Soil Health, Trees on Farms, Water on Farms, Weeds and Weeds Management

Your Story


As a 32-year-old agronomist with diverse international experience, I wear dual hats: Argentinian heritage, Australian boots. Based in Margaret River, I’m the nutritional agronomist at Hi-Tech Ag Solutions, Bunbury, where I empower growers to make informed decisions about soil health and plant nutrition. Vineyards, both local and from my globetrotting days, hold a special place in my heart, but my passion extends beyond the vine. I’m eager to broaden my horizons, delve into the intricacies of new crops, and share my expertise with a wider range of growers. My mission? Unlocking the potential of diverse soils, one thriving plant at a time.

Challenges I can best help others solve are:

Soil health improvement and plant nutrition management.

Key challenges I would like to solve are:

Sustainble agriculture. Fertilising programs.