Great course coming up in April with Dan Kittredge. Dan had made it his life’s work to find out how increase the nutritional quality of the food we grow and eat and share his knowledge with other producers. As founder and chief executive of the Bionutrient Food Association, he is coordinating cutting-edge research into plant nutrient density.
The course focuses on producing nutrient-dense crops—those with superior nutritional content, pest resistance, and better flavor—by fostering healthy soil with high microbial activity.
The course also covers the essential environmental conditions and management practices that support soil life, and offers valuable insights into producing nutrient-dense crops.
Whether you’re a livestock farmer, viticulturalist, orchardist, market gardener, a domestic or armchair gardener you will go away inspired with a keener understanding of the intricate interplay between soil health, plant vitality and human wellbeing.
Click through for more information on this ground breaking course..https://lowerblackwood.com.au/events/nutrient-dense-food-production/