
First Name


Last Name




Profile Type

Landcare Officer

Sub Catchment / Suburb

Southern Forests Community Landcare







Agricultural Land Manager


Land Managed Property Size

Not applicable

Land Managed Primary Usage

Grazing, Horticulture

Your Primary Crops

Livestock Pasture / Forages, Vegetables, Fruit and Nuts

Primary Livestock You Manage


Your Age


Areas of interest

Biological Inputs, Carbon Farming, Farm Case Studies, Farm Planning, Ferals and Ferals Management, Grazing and Grazing Management, Integrated Pest Management, Livestock Health and Nutrition, Multi species Pastures and Cropping, Plant Nutrition and Health, Soil Health, Trees on Farms, Water on Farms, Weeds and Weeds Management

Your Story

I have been promoting what is now termed ‘regenerative agriculture’ since I joined SFCL in 2010 as it was a journey I had commenced when analysing our increasing costs and declining profitability. My husband and I were producing Murray Grey baby beef until his untimely death in 2009. Since then, until recently, the bulk of the farm has been leased as a run-off block, with paddocks not utilised for hay production deteriorating in condition. I am now taking back more direct control and, with current lessees prepared to manage according to regenerative principles, able to put theory into practice. In my remaining productive years, I would like to improve the biodiversity and ecological health of my farm. Incorporating enriched biochar will be a key ingredient. However, a knowledge gap for me is chemistry – I found the Joel Williams webinar fascinating and will use that information to make better use of soil test results to meet my soil’s needs.

Searching for a profile picture sent me revisiting the memorable MasHumas biofertiliser study tour of Mexico, Costa Rica and Puerto Rico. After hosting two MasHumas courses in our area, the incentive to participate in the tour was to see if farm-based biofertiliser production had a role in large scale commercial farming. Definitely does!

Challenges I can best help others solve are:

I have some skills in biochar production and use and in dung beetles in the south west.

Key challenges I would like to solve are:

Converting problem weedy paddocks to multi-species pasture!