Sweet Vernal Grass
I have several paddocks that are dominated by this – any advice I was there on how to vastly reduce it?
I’m working on my soil, amendments and liming every year.
any particular amendment I need to increase?
in the autumn, should I till it and then seed? Or direct drill into it?
Hi Will,
liming won’t get rid of it, however it will help with the establishment of improved species like clover and ryegrass. I would suggest improving one paddock at a time. A soil test will be helpful in identifying if phosphorus is available. (Colwell P test in conjunction with PBI). If it is low you will improve your chances of success by adding P with a product like SuperPhosphate or my preferred would be MAP which also has a bit of N, but do it post break of season ( can be done post seeding).
The paddock you want to improve can be used as the sacrificial area at the break of season. (Feed supplement – while rest of your pasture is getting away) then once you have commenced grazing (1st rotation) seed your paddock with Either a cover crop mix, or a clover/ryegrass mix at between 15-30kg/ha using a direct drill machine – careful not to go to deep. I wouldn’t cultivate as this will likely encourage germination of more undesirables as well as set your soil biological life back.
hope that helps!
@Eric Dobbe Hi Eric – that’s was very helpful.
somif I’m understanding you correctly- direct drill my pasture mix with fert as normal – then put on MAP at the rate recommended by soil test?
we have virtually no phosphorus available.
Hi Will, I don’t typically add fertiliser with the seed. I would only recommend that if you have a separate box on the seeder and you can place fert below the seed. otherwise top dress on after it has germinated. You don’t need to do both!
rates can be conservative: 50- 75kg/ha of MAP Could go lower if doing below the seed.