Fencing & Revegetation of Riparian Zones

Restoring stream ecosystems on farms helps to reduce erosion and nutrient loss and create vital habitat for beneficial insects, birds, frogs and other native animals. There are other farm benefits such as shelterbelts, windbreaks, reducing water-born diseases for livestock and providing more cell grazing options.

Funding is available through the LCDC to assist landowners with fencing their creeks and drains to exclude stock and planting native revegetation to kick-start a healthy stream ecosystem.

The program is open to grazing farmers on both large and small properties located in the Lower Blackwood Catchment.

Project sites are to be situated on a natural water course or drain with preference given to fencing drains when revegetation is also considered.

Landowners must contribute at least 50 per cent of the cost of the project through either cash or in-kind contributions for example, installation of fencing or completion of revegetation.

 Are you in the catchment?

Justin Carroll & Marnie Hamilton, 2018 program participants.

“The work done by the LBLCDC was a huge help. Financially it has helped, it has cost a lot more to do than we probably first thought. More importantly the expertise and time given has been fantastic.”

Interested in a project on your farm?

Or get in touch with our Revegetation Officer:

Rebecca Archer: E: [email protected] | M: 0487 060 506

This project is a part of Healthy Estuaries WA – a State Government program that aims to improve the health of our South West estuaries.