Whole farm soil testing to support better fertiliser decisions
Lower Blackwood LCDC’s 2023-24 Soil Testing Program is of the Healthy Estuaries WA Fertiliser Management Program to support farmers’ fertiliser decisions. The soil testing program provides incentives for soil testing and agronomic advice, with the Lower Blackwood LCDC providing the on-ground support for participating farmers.
As a part of the program, grazing farmers have access to testing across their whole farm. Testing is combined with workshops to learn how to interpret nutrient maps and access to personalised, one-on-one agronomic advice with an accredited advisor.
The program is open to beef, dairy and sheep grazing enterprises with at least 40 cleared and arable hectares that are located in the Hardy Inlet (Lower Blackwood) Catchment. This may include leased adjoining properties, adjacent parcels of land or land that is separated by a road or creek. Neighbouring landholders with smaller properties may also join forces, provided their total cleared & arable areas make up 40 hectares.
The soil testing program was great value for us, the workshop really helped explain the science with the whole farm nutrient map provided showing us a comprehensive picture of what is in our soil now.
Deborah Orr, Forest Grove Beef Farmer
Two approaches to soil testing are available to farmers: DIY or DWER Sampled.
The two options allow the program to be tailored to the needs of the participant. Farmers that have smaller numbers of paddocks and are interested in the hands-on science approach can choose to undertake the sampling themselves, where as properties with large paddock numbers or people who don’t live on farm can choose the convenience of having the property sampled for them.
For more information about this program contact our Sustainable Agriculture Project Officer, Dean Campbell at:
E: [email protected] | M: 0499 072 348.
Want to know more about the DIY soil testing option? Hear from a couple of last year’s participants below….
This project is a part of Healthy Estuaries WA – a State Government program that aims to improve the health of our South West estuaries.