
Declared weed control support in the Lower Blackwood

This project is now completed and has enabled the Lower Blackwood LCDC to work collaboratively with landholders, local government and DBCA to undertake priority declared weed control work in the Lower Blackwood Catchment, building on previous weed control works that have been undertaken by the LCDC and Lower Blackwood land managers.

Project activities included:

  • A 50% funding incentive for landholders to put towards weed control contractor costs for declared weed control works along their riparian zones and remnant bushland.
  • Lower Blackwood landholders were entitled to free arum lily chemical and advice on its use.
  • Data on the level of declared weed populations in the Lower Blackwood Catchment was collected and mapped to assist in the design and focus of future control work
  • A Scott River sub-catchment WeedWork group consisting of landholders, DBCA, local government and other key stakeholders was established to focus on the mapping and control of weedy wattles and other key weeds in the Scott River sub-catchment.
  • A WeedWork Resource Online Toolkit has been developed to include information on priority declared weeds and their control,
  • 2 x landholder workshops were held during the project
  • Weed mapping support for landholders with a significant spread of declared weed infestations. Weed control and infestation data was mapped on the LBLCDC’s GIS mapping system.
This project is supported though funding from the State Natural Resource Management Program