Regenerative Agriculture in Practice Project 2023 – Information Session, Farm Tour & Networking Event
Interested in learning about principles and practices that lead to healthy, resilient soils and farms?
Like learning through doing?
Like the idea of being supported through your learning via a peer group to share ideas, knowledge & experiences?
Our Regenerative Agriculture in Practice Project (RAPP) 2023 offers you this and much more!
The theme for RAPP 2023 is ‘Farm Ecosystems for a Sustainable Future’ and will include, in addition to our fabulous local project consultants and trainers, three incredible fonts of knowledge in the soil health space, delivering in person, internationally reknowned soil & ground cover Dr Christine Jones , agroecologist David Hardwick from Soil Land Food and regenerative grazing expert Dr Judi Earl.
To achieve our goal of facilitating effective & long lasting practice change, we understand the importance of providing continuity. With this in mind RAPP 2023 has been designed to build on learnings from our current & previous projects, providing returning participants & alumni the opportunity to continue to grow and develop their skills further, whilst also providing opportunity for new landholders interested in learning and adopting regenerative farming techniques.
Another key difference with RAPP 2023 is that we will be opening the project up to the wider Augusta Margaret River Community – through our partnership with the Lower South West Growers Group ,we will be offering 50% of the project places to LSWGG members who live within the Augusta Margaret River Shire but reside outside of the Lower Blackwood catchment – so if you are not a member if this group yet then it’s a really good time to think about joining and take advantage of this great project opportunity!
WAIT.. THERE’S MORE.. our venue hosts have kindly agreed to take us on a show and tell tour of their newly certified organic vineyard, and talk to us about the regenerative agriculture practices they are implementing into their daily operations.
So come join us on October 20th to get all the details and find out how you can be part for this exciting program.
At the end of the session and farm tour we’ll relax & enjoy a drink with some local snaggers on the BBQ. It will be a great chance to keep talking, network with our presenters, previous project participants, & local landholders who have experiences to share.
Where? Cowaramup (address information will be provided prior to the event to registrants).
When? Thursday October 20th, 4.00pm to 6.00pm
Cost? This is a FREE event
Register for the Event
Or Contact: Kate Tarrant, Communications Officer, E. [email protected] | M. 0409203056
COVID-19 Advice: If you are feeling unwell on the day of the event please do not attend.
This project is supported through the Augusta Margaret River Shire’s Environmental Management Fund