Weedy Wattles & What To Do With Them
Not to be confused with our own Golden Wreath Wattle (Acacia Saligna), Eastern States Wattles have become problematic in the South West due to their previous popularity as ornamental trees & as soil stabilisers. Weed Wattles are not a problem in their own natural geographic locations where local seed-eating insects keep them in check, but this natural control does not occur in Western Australia where these wattles reproduce prolifically by seed.
Why is that a problem? Wattles are nitrogen fixers. When they grow in an area that has been disturbed, the combination of disturbed soil and extra nitrogen encourages exotic grasses to invade. As the grasses dry out in summer, they increase the risk of bushfire. Fire stimulates more wattle seeds to germinate and a destructive cycle is set in motion. In addition, under optimum conditions weed wattles can form dense, almost impenetrable thickets of trees effectively, wiping out all other native plants and habitat for native animals.
All in all we don’t want them around!
In this practical demonstration workshop presented by well known local ‘weed warrior’ & contractor Rick Ensley from Margaret River Naturals, participants will learn how to identify the different types of weed wattles and some other woody exotic species common to the Lower Blackwood, AND some tips and tricks on how to deal with them using readily available tools.
Event Logistics:
When? Tuesday July 4th, 2.00pm to 4.00pm
Where? 21 Bessell Road Rosa Glen WA 6285
Cost? This is a free event
What else? Wear appropriate farm footwear (clean) and dress for the weather. For biosecurity reasons participants will be asked to step through a bootwash before and after entering the property.
How? Register your details along with any special dietary needs via this event page.
This event forms part of the LCDC’s Weedwork project, and is supported through funding from the Western Australian Government’s State NRM Program.