Funding Available

Funding & funded services are available to eligible landholders for a range of on-ground works for the restoration and more sustainable management of our highly valued waterways and riparian vegetation. This advice and support is currently being directed towards the projects described below.


Funding Form

Native vegetation along waterways particularly in agricultural catchments play and important role in nutrient stripping as well as creating important habitat and corridors for native fauna.

This project enables the Lower Blackwood LCDC to work collaboratively with landholders, local government and DBCA to undertake priority declared weed control work in the Lower Blackwood Catchment, building on previous weed control works that have been undertaken by the LCDC and Lower Blackwood land managers.



This project is supported though funding from the State Natural Resource Management Program

Native vegetation along waterways particularly in agricultural catchments play and important role in nutrient stripping as well as creating important habitat and corridors for native fauna.

This project enables the Lower Blackwood LCDC to work collaboratively with landholders, local government and DBCA to undertake priority declared weed control work in the Lower Blackwood Catchment, building on previous weed control works that have been undertaken by the LCDC and Lower Blackwood land managers.


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Fencing & Revegetation | Soil Testing | Fertiliser Trials

These programs are part of Royalties for Region’s Healthy Estuaries WA and Revitalising Geographe Waterways programs. These State Government initiatives aim to support the long-term health of our south-west estuaries.

The Lower Blackwood LCDC is working with landholders to improve the health of the iconic Hardy Inlet through a range of REI funded on-ground works including:


Feral Pig Focus – Protecting the Scott Coastal Plain 2022 -2025

Feral pigs cause around $106.5 million in agriculture damage in Australia each year. They reduce the efficiency of primary production in agriculture, pose a significant risk to water resources, threaten conservation and cause damage and destruction to biodiversity.

This project supports the Lower Blackwood Vertebrate Pest Management Group (LBVPMG) to work collaboratively with landholders, plantation companies, DBCA, DPIRD, Traditional Owners and local government to undertake priority feral pig control work to protect the Scott Coastal Plain (SCP).

This project is supported through funding from the Shire of Nannup, Ents Forestry, and the State Natural Resource Management Program, and is facilitated through a continuing partnership with the Lower Blackwood LCDC the Lower Blackwood Vertebrate Pest Management Group.

Weedwork – Declared Weed Control Support in the Lower Blackwood


This project is supported though funding from the State Natural Resource Management Program

Native vegetation along waterways particularly in agricultural catchments play and important role in nutrient stripping as well as creating important habitat and corridors for native fauna.

This project enables the Lower Blackwood LCDC to work collaboratively with landholders, local government and DBCA to undertake priority declared weed control work in the Lower Blackwood Catchment, building on previous weed control works that have been undertaken by the LCDC and Lower Blackwood land managers.