Reply To: Do Annual Cover Crop Mixes Have a Place in Grazing Programs

  • Mark Tupman

    19/03/2024 at 9:33 pm

    Hi Vanessa,

    Yes, it is quite hard to source such mixes ready made. We get custom mixes like this one made up for clients in bulk through Nutrien Ag/Bells but the order has to be over 500kg.

    The goodies mix makes for a good base and yes, adding some of the other species mentioned and some clover is a good idea.

    The thing is, most types of seed are only be available in 25 kg bags. Goodies do supply daikon radish so you might be able to get that off them by the kilo and you could maybe get a few kilos of linseed, buckwheat etc… from a health food shop?

    Upping the legume quota in the mix wouldn’t hurt either.

    Theres a real opportunity for more farmers to start growing and selling cover crop mixes and I know goodies are looking to add more into their mixes to come.

    Good luck with it all 🙂