Eric Dobbe
Grazing Through Spring in a Mediterranean Environment
I have quite high leaf to stem ratio, even with the longer recovery periods. The cow pats are telling me that I am still a little low on fibre at the moment! This will change as we get towards senescence, but that will be a while off here.
the question about cows vs sheep: I’m not sure on the answer to that, but I do like the way cattle…
Grazing Through Spring in a Mediterranean Environment
That’s a great article Mark. I totally agree that it is a delicate time of the year with grazing management. The way I tackle this period is by focusing on the grass first, soil second and animal requirements third – the animals are doing well without too much of our influence! My aim is to prolong the growing potential of our pasture and…
Which form of foliar calcium to use?
Thanks for your comprehensive reply Mark. Tissue tests I did on some yellowing oats showed I had the usual suspects of mg and mn deficiency, but also had low calcium. I have applied a foliar to address this now, so will see what happens. I like your comment about the importance of getting calcium addressed in the soil rather the plant. I…
Mark Tupman -
Which form of foliar calcium to use?
I listened to a podcast from John Kempt the other day and he mentioned that for foliar application, Calcium needs to be in the chelate form. Are most of the products on the market in a micronized carbonate form?
Mob Grazing & Livestock Nutrition
Great photo’s Kate.
it doesn’t appear that your sheep are suffering from lack of nutrition 🤠
Our cool season grasses are typically high in ME and protein but can lack the fibre, hence the scouring – particularly early winter when there is a high leaf to stem ratio with our annual plants. Grazing lower will increase the fibre better than grazing…
Do Annual Cover Crop Mixes Have a Place in Grazing Programs
That’s sensational Mark! A true testament to your recommendations. A great benchmark for us all!
I am familiar with your trial site Justin. We are running 8 identical trials in other catchments…
Last year H2O was the most limiting factor . The N plots also had all other nutrients applied so it will be interesting to see if the Guildford bulb remains a dominant species in the composition!
your site also has a pH over 5 so that should help…
When to start grazing the green?
Hi Kate, what a difference 2 weeks have made! We have a nice mix of rain and sunny days, bit warmer than usual and the pasture has responded beautifully. Cows are now on grazing rotation, aiming plus 60 days before 2nd lap.
I am starting them off for overnight on grass at high density ( 150 hd on 1-2 ha) and then back to sacrificial paddock…
Hi Will,
have you done a soil test of the affected area? My experience has been that Guildford bulb will favour three things. Low pH soils, low Phosphorous levels and to some degree soil compaction.
i have had really good success by lifting pH to over 5 in CaCl and addressing P levels according to soil test recommendations.
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