Perennial & Biodiverse Pastures
A group for members interested in pasture species applicable to a high winter rainfall... View more
How’s our Pasture Going?
How’s our Pasture Going?
Lower Blackwood LCDC recently ran a workshop on Monitoring and Recording Data for a Pasture Program. Participants got out in the field and had a go at gathering information on the status of their pasture and soil, to identify where things were going well, or not so well.
A range of different methods were explored to get an indication of how the forage stacked up and the soil was functioning under different practices.
Two areas were chosen. In this case, both had been seeded with the same multi-species cover crop at the same rate and at the same time. The parent soil was also similar. The difference was that some topsoil, which was scraped off the surface during the construction of a nearby dam, was spread over one of the areas.
Some simple tools and equipment were used to collect and measure relevant data along with a whole lot of visual assessment of different indicators . Scores were given, based on the data collected to get an idea of how the pasture and soil were performing in the different areas.
I think we can safely say that area where the dam soil was spread was not going as well as the undisturbed area.
The results are attached. Have a look and see if you can see what the main issues are.
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