Reply To: Perennial Pasture Species for High Rainfall Mediterranean Regions

  • Eric Dobbe

    20/10/2023 at 5:22 pm

    I have successfully established chicory, plantain, cocksfoot, perennial veldt grass and phalaris over the last three seasons. I have tried winter active tall fescue as well, however it’s probably more suited to higher fertility loams. Where I have got it to grow, it goes reproductive too quickly.

    Cocksfoot, veldt grass and chicory are good options for free draining sands. Phalaris is suited to clays and wetter areas. Plantain suited to both. The reason the temperate grasses above are successful is because they have summer dormancy.

    Perennial ryegrass is not something I have tried mainly because it will not go dormant.

    And yes, survival is all about grazing management – essential to do short duration, long rest period rotational grazing.