Talkin’ Water on Farms with Warren Pensini

In this Talkin’ After Hours Podcast episode we talk to south west farmer and grass fed beef producer Warren Pensini. Warren is a a 4th generation cattle farmer &, together with his wife Lori, manages ‘Paraway’, a 664 ha property in Boyup Brook.
Warren & Lori’s philosophy is to produce quality food ethically in a manner that has minimal impact and stress on their animals, community and environment, while creating a positive financial outcome for their family. Up until 2018 the Pensini’s sold their beef direct to customer via their beef brand, Blackwood Valley Beef, now they do so in partnership with Wide Open Agriculture and Dirty Clean Food.
Jo & Kate chat to Warren about his most recent venture – a landscape rehydration project he has started in partnership with the Mulloon Institute and Commonland. Warren’s farm is the first of four demonstration sites for Mulloon’s landscape rehydration model in WA and aims to showcase a method to reverse salinity and restore unproductive &/ or degraded land through restoring natural ecosystem function.